If you are interested in becoming a Precinct 6 Deputy please contact 713-274-3406.

Please use the button below to access our application. Applications can be submitted in person at 5900 Canal St. Houston, TX 77011.

Those interested in becoming a Harris County Precinct 6 employee must be willing to work in a competitive, yet positive work environment.
Position Status
Communications – Dispatcher Not Accepting Applications
Full Time Paid Deputy Currently Accepting Applications
Reserve Deputy Currently Accepting Applications
Clerk – Civilian Position Not Accepting Applications


 * Note – Salaries listed below represent base pay only and do not include monthly incentives and allowances that you may qualify for.  Those are paid in addition to the base salary.


Hourly Rate
Annual Salary
Deputy I $27.28 $56,742
Deputy II $29.19 $60,715
Deputy III $30.92 $64,314
Deputy IV $32.48 $67,558
Deputy V $34.09 $70,907
Deputy VI $36.48 $75,878
Deputy VII $38.50 $80,080
Current salary levels (as of 9/23/23):

Communications Officer

Hourly Rate
Annual Salary
CO I $19.75 $41,071
CO II $21.31 $44,327
CO III $22.81 $47,436
Current salary levels (as of 04/11/22):


SALARY SCHEDULE (Peace Officer Positions)

Each employee must meet annual proficiency and training standards and have the appropriate time in grade in order to advance in base salary. Each employee eligible to receive the education/training incentive pay may receive the following if qualified (peace officers only):

  • 60 semester hours of college or an Associate’s Degree: $110 per month
  • Bachelor’s Degree: $265 per month
  • Masters or Ph.D.: $375 per month
  • ​Longevity pay: Based on years of service

In addition, the following incentive pay is provided to Peace Officers who qualify:

Certification pay / sworn personnel:

  • Intermediate peace officer certification: $130.00 per month
  • Advanced peace officer certification: $285.00 per month
  • Master peace officer certification: $500.00 per month

Certification pay / Communications Officers:

  • Intermediate telecommunicator certification: $50.00 per month
  • Advanced telecommunicator certification: $100 per month
  • Master telecommunicator certification: $150 per month

Equipment allowance / sworn personnel:

$75 per month

K9 Handler incentive pay:

$200 per month

Field Training Officer (FTO) incentive pay (patrol only):

$175 per month

Bilingual pay (Peace Officers, Communications Officers, and Civilian Employees): (American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indic languages, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese):

$150 per month


  • Each employee is provided basic life, medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage at no cost. Dependents can be added at an additional cost.
  • Vacation time is accrued in accordance to Harris County policy.
  • Sick leave is accrued in accordance with Harris County regulations.
  • All employees are enrolled in the Harris County retirement plan (Texas County and District Retirement System). Each employee contributes 7% of their base pay. Retirement is allowed under the “rule of 75” (when the years of service plus your age equal 75).


  • 21 years of age minimum, no maximum age limit
  • Must hold a current Basic Peace Officer license awarded by TCOLE and a high school diploma or G.E.D.
  • If a military veteran, applicants must have an honorable discharge only
  • Applicant must be U.S. Citizen
  • Valid Texas driver’s license
  • Applicants must pass a physical examination
  • Eye-sight must be correctable to 20/20
  • Hearing must be normal
  • Must pass entry level written testing
  • Show no trace of illegal drug usage
  • Must have never been convicted of a crime greater than a Class B
  • Applicants must pass a psychological evaluation
  • Applicants must have good credit
  • Applicants will be interviewed
  • Applicants must complete all phases of the required testing
  • Applicants must be willing to accept any assignment or shift
  • A thorough background investigation will be done on all applicants


  • 18 years of age minimum, no maximum age limit
  • Must be able to obtain a Basic Telecommunicator license awarded by TCOLE
  • Must possess a high school diploma or G.E.D.
  • If a military veteran, applicants must have an honorable discharge only
  • Valid Texas driver’s license
  • Eye-sight must be correctable to 20/20
  • Hearing must be normal
  • Must pass entry level written testing
  • Show no trace of illegal drug usage
  • Must have never been convicted of a crime greater than a Class B
  • Applicants must have good credit
  • Applicants will be interviewed
  • Applicants must complete all phases of the required testing
  • Applicants must be willing to accept any assignment or shift
  • A thorough background investigation will be done on all applicants

* Note: Some costs for the application process including medical testing, travel, parking etc. may be expected to be paid by the applicant

If you are interested in becoming a Precinct 6 Deputy please contact 713-274-3406. You can also email [email protected] with any questions you may have about employment with Precinct 6.

For Reserve Deputy opportunities, click here.

For SecureShare Requests, please email:

[email protected]


[email protected]